Gabi and big sister Sophie

Gabi and big sister Sophie

Monday, July 19, 2010

2 1/2 weeks post op

The SMILE says it all.  Gabi is very happy with how her ear is coming along.  Dr Brent did a fabulous job with getting it in the right's perfectly aligned with her other ear.  The ear itself is still pretty swollen but each day it looks better.  Gabi is so excited...she was jumping around tonight when we put her hair in a ponytail after we washed it. Daddy asked her if she was going to start being comfortable wearing ponytails again and she said YES!  :)  We're so glad.  It's been a long time.  Sorry the picture is a little blurry.  It's hard to take a picture of a bouncing girl! 


  1. It is so beautiful Gabi! I would bet most of the swelling will be gone by the time you get down here. We are going to have to buy you some new ponies! I love you! Dad

  2. We are so happy that your surgery went well. It's going to be much cooler to wear your hair up in a pony. If I could just get Anna to understand that (to leave her hair in some sort of pony/barrette)!
    Hope all continues to heal well. Take care! ~ your old neighbor, Jen

  3. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa new ponytails! thank you daddy. love gabi
