Gabi and big sister Sophie

Gabi and big sister Sophie

Saturday, March 13, 2010

One Month Post Op

Gabi says~My ear looks cooooooooooooooooool!!! That's all!

Mom says~This is Gabi about a month post op.  Her new ear is healing really nicely!  The next step is to take the little ear off (in the front of the ear) and form the lobe (at the bottom).  The following step is to lift the ear up off her head so it will look like her other ear.  Dr. Brent is going to do both of those steps in July...during one surgery.  We feel very fortunate because a lot of times that would be two separate trips, but he's doing both in one.  After that is done, there is one more touch up he will probably do, then we can open the ear canal and wah-lah!  Hearing!  The unfortunate thing is that we will need to be in California for another two weeks in July.  We're hoping to figure out a way for both mom and dad to go next time.  Last time was just toooo hard for mom to sit and wait in the waiting room by herself, and dad to sit back in MN without being able to hug his Gabi (or wife.)  Also...this time we won't be able to stay with friends so we've got that to figure out too.  If anyone knows of any smart ideas for two weeks of lodging in the San Fran area, let us know!  We are open to anything except a tent on the beach.  :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gabi's Next Round

Well we found out the date.  Her next surgery will be July 1st.  Yikes!  We have to be out there the 29th of June and return on July 9th.  Not sure of all the details yet...but at least we have the dates.  Chloe is thrilled that everyone will be home in time for her birthday mid-July.  I'm trying to post pictures but the cord doesn't work so I'm going to have to get creative.  We are now more than a month post-op and she looks GREAT!  I'll try to get pictures up as soon as possible.  jane (gabi's mom)