Gabi and big sister Sophie

Gabi and big sister Sophie

Friday, August 20, 2010

A little bump...literally

All right, here's the update.  Before we left St. Cloud we had brought Gabi into the Doctor because there was an area behind her ear that was circular in shape that just didn't look like it wanted to heal. It's just a raised scab about the size of a pencil eraser.  There's redness around that...about the size of a quarter.  She was also complaining of a sore throat so we had them look at fever or anything. 
She tested positive for strep (whoa!  didn't see that coming) and put her on an antibiodic for both the area behind her ear (which yes, it looked infected) and her throat.
Now that we have been in NC for a whole two weeks, she is no longer on antibiodics and while her ear did not seem to get worse, nothing was really getting better either.  I started calling around for a doctor...found one and had an appointment but then found out that they don't take our insurance.  Screw that, is what I said, and started calling around for skin (plastics) doctors to see if we could just go directly there...hoping to skip the primary doc step all together.  I was able to get someone at UNC who told me that they won't make an in-office appointment because she all ready has an infection.  They suggested I go to the ER at UNC in Chapel Hill because there are pediactric plastics guys on call 24/7 and one of them will get called in.  Whudda thunk there would be a pediatric plastics unit? 
Long story short, the ER doc was willing to send her home on a stronger antibiodic, I said I wanted the plastics guy just to be careful because that is what they had told us to ask for.  The plastics guy (woman) came...and was very concerned and wanted her in the hospital on IV's (WHAT?!?!?) so that we don't lose all the work that has been done.  Good thing we asked for her!  She said her supervisor plastics doc would put her out in the a.m. so he could examine it more closely and clean the site.
This a.m. the supervisor doc put her under and cleaned the ear, found another area underneath the ear (that isn't visible to us) that is also not exactly healing right...but they are so happy that she is here and they are keeping her until her infection is completely healed and that ear is better 100%.  How long?  No guarantees.  How long does it take to have a wound heal?  At least through the weekend and then we'll talk.   Oh boy.  OK. 
They have her on antibiodics so strong that it makes her whole body red...and the benedryl doesn't do anything to stop it.  But the antibiodic has helped (definately...the quarter sized redness is now just pink) so they are continuing it while trying to keep her comfortable. 
Someone is watching over Gabi...there are a million plastics guys that we could have ended up with...but we happen to find the one that knows Dr. Brent (her California surgeon) personally...very well.  He was looking forward to talking to him today.  They are consulting with each other and my baby is gonna be fine.  :)  I had no idea this little bump behind her ear was such a big deal...but God was watching over us and brought us right to the right place and the right person.  :)  jane