Gabi and big sister Sophie

Gabi and big sister Sophie

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Frowny Face :(

Hi it's me Gabi and I'm in the hospital again.  The ceiling is covered with butterfly paintings on it.  Mom is in bed with me right now.  I got a new teddy bear that is blue with a white nose.  I haven't named him yet.  Please write names down for him as a response.  please please please!  love, Gabi


  1. Hey sweet girl, how about, "Silly Bill"? I suppose that might be kind of confusing though. I really love you and miss you!
    See you soon, Daddy

  2. Hi Gabi! This is Becky Boyd from Fergus Falls. We met when you were very little. My uncle is Emmett, who you and your dad stayed with in California. I wanted to let you know that I saw him twice this Fall, once in September and once in October, and he asked me both times how you are doing. Kind of neat that we have that connection, huh? So, I think you should name your bear Emmett! What do you think? Let me know what you decide. I won't be upset if you choose something else. Get better! Saying many prayers for you, sweet girl.

  3. Hi Gabi!!! It's cousin Ellen! I hope you're feeling okay! When I was your age, naming our pets was THE most important thing! And it was the same for our teddy bears! We put alot of thought into our treasures, whether they be pets or toys. You said your teddy bear is blue with a white nose. Well...there's Bluebell or Blueberry. If you have a dog that's gray, they are called 'blue'. we had a gray dog that was named "Blue Moon Dust". We called him Dusty.
    Here's something fun to do...go to the paint dept. You know all those awesome colors on the little cards? Find the one that's the same color of your teddy bear! It might be a cool name! Good luck Gabi! You can name your teddy anything you want and it will amazing! Because that's what you are! xxxooo!!!

  4. "Mr. Emmett", is an awesome name!

  5. Hi Gabi, I am a friend of your Mom and Dad. I worked with your Mom for a long time. I met you when you were little; you came to my house for Duk Duk Daze (silly name)...and the fireworks went off in the park in my back yard. I think fire cracker would be a good name for your teddy because that is what you are! Love to you and get better fast! Love, Bonnie

  6. Hello my BEAUTIFUL cousin Sarah Gabrielle. :] I just wanted to tell you that I love you very much and that I am praying that God will heal your skin infection. You are so brave Gabi! Turn that frown upside down :] XOXOXOXO

    Your cousin,


    P.S. I also love the name "Mr. Emmett", for your teddy! :]

  7. Dear little Gabi.
    I'm very sorry for you and the fact that your ear is acting up again. I know you are a strong girl and that you are going to fight through this with a will like no onse else. You are in my prayers and you deserve all the best. Did you know that I was born without an eardrum in my right ear? I had it fixed in surgery when I was 10, so I know all about having ear complications, going in and out of the doctor's office, the hospital, etc., and it's not fun at all.
    I care about you so much, I miss having you around me, and I want you to be content.
    Lots of hugs, from Cassie.

  8. Gabi, sorry to hear you are back in the hospital. We are praying for a quick recovery. It snowed here last Saturday and it's cold. So we here in Minnesota are feeling cooped up as well. When we were picking a name for our puppy we had a pretty long were some of the boy names we liked. Mauer,Champ,Buddy,Scout.....I have to say Emmett is pretty great. I'd steer away from Farve with the season he's having. haha We ended up getting a girl yellow lab. Wyatt named her Lucy. We were in NC vacationing in the Outer Banks. We were driving back to the beach house and he just yelled out Lucy. Then he said do you think it's a good name for our puppy? We loved NC! Take care and be sure to post what you name your bear.
    The Notch's, Tina, Larry, Nathan & Wyatt

  9. Hey - Gabi - cousin Dawn in CA here! You will be out of that hospital in no time. Close your eyes and every day for as long as you can.. see and feel your perfect healthy ear!

    As far as that teddy is concerned, I would like to suggest Smoochie. I just think it sounds like a kissable bear to have around!

  10. Hey Gabi! I'm so sorry to hear of your infection and that you are back in the hospital. Bummer! Praying for a quick recovery and wisdom for the doctors.

    How about "Chilly" for the bear's name?

    Mrs. Paulson :)

  11. Hi Gaby!
    I wish you were here with me. But I am so glad you came to visit me some weeks ago. I am so sorry to hear about the infection. I think your new ear looks great though.
    Maybe you can come and visit me in the spring, or you have to go all the way to Norway to see me.

    A good stuffed animal name is Stella.

    I hope you will feel better soon.

    I will always be your friend,

  12. Hi everybody and thank you for all the names for my teddy bear. I chose the name Sky because I have a dog that is white with blue clouds on it and his name is Cloud. So it makes sense to name my blue bear with a white nose Sky, because he doesn't have any clouds on him. It all makes sense if you look at them side by side. love, Gabi

  13. Hi Mari,
    I really miss you. I'm still in the hospital but I'm getting out tomorrow afternoon. (It's Saturday right now.) Best friends forever! Love, Gabi
